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Tuesday, January 7, 2020


/Mental Illnesss/ 3 PART PROCESS- #1 SHAME
I got a lot of feedback from my last painting, thank you for all your kind comments! But, my heart was more drawn to the fact that so many of us have been going through this silent battle in our mind and heart.
You are not alone.
You don't have to be silent, anymore.
//(preface: doctors are great, God is great. here is some insight from my experiences, not the ultimate answers)
We need to realize that Satan is real. There is too much evidence of darkness and a dark being throughout history to say that he's not. We need to acknowledge that God is real, through time and history, darkness and light, beings of creation and darkness have fought. But Adonai, Father God, Jesus, has fought for your soul, your heart, your mind.And light wins every time.
However, even if we live in a village, a kingdom, a body that has been "saved", that is deemed a worthy citizen, our mind can still be clouded and we can still be battling lies and feeling worthless and purposeless. Timothy in the Bible must have, that's why Paul wrote to him and said hold on to all of the amazing promises over your life, hold on to words your Father spoke over you, things that you are capable of and inside of you, because when you loose sight of vision, and presence, you lose sight of you, and Him, and life.

The devil doesn't want you to to succeed. Sin isn't scary, but it is destructive, it destroys you. Thats why anything that Papa God hates is so luring and sometimes feels good. Satan wants you to cut yourself, he wants you complain, he wants you to have sex, he wants you to feel bad about yourself and think about yourself so much and how much you suck. And it spirals to questions, why did I do that, why I am here, why am I even alive?
In the moment, it feels like truth, it feel like emptiness, it feels like the solution is at your finger tips and if only you sank deeper into it you'd find it. But I come up gasping for air, paralyzed, crying, frozen, what do I do? How can I get out, the emotions FEEL SO REAL.
1. Don't be ashamed.
Shame tells you, YOU are what's wrong, you are defected, hide it, never tell anyone, be silent, shut up you are stupid.
In the garden Adam and Eve HID after they ate the fruit, not because they were cold but because they were ashamed of their bodies and themselves. They hid because they felt like they were bad and no longer acceptable to be with their own Father who knew them and has seen them naked. Father came and walked in the garden and called out, Adam WHERE ARE YOU? . Father knows everything, but his words show us that its possible to distance our self from the Father with our Shame. He knows where we are, but when we hide, we're actually hiding ourselves from Him.
Adam says, we discovered we were naked so we hid.
Who told you, You are flawed, my son? Who told you that your skin and your bodies need to be hid and are shameful?
The devil has managed to spread to every human this instinctive hiding and shame. When we sin, when we make a mistake, when feel naked, it's not our identity. Father comes close and says, you've done something bad, that may have been a stupid choice you chose, but you are not stupid. You are not worthless, you are not broken.
Where is your shame coming from?
And Where is your TRUTH coming from? The Father or the Serpent?
The other biggest lie is that you don't hear God's voice. How come we can believe with CONFIDENCE, that we are influenced by the devil? Often cases, people have more faith in their ability to hear the devil's voice more than to hear God's.
The creator God designed you and created you to be his child, and his children know his voice, its INNATE.
YOU WERE BORN WITH IT. We have to PRACTICE sometimes, but make yourself aware. He speaks through nature, a still small voice- sometimes sounding like your thoughts, he speaks through pictures, people, the bible, loud or quiet, you can hear God's voice, because he is always and still speaking, and wants to talk with you and show you his heart.
You are so loved, you were created and fashioned, on purpose with a purpose.
Let me know your thoughts, and how this impacts you.
The next post is Part #2, Intimacy.

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